Books by Renate and Klaus Henning

The ego trap – 7 ways to ruin your business

Ego-traps- those unconscious patterns of thought, beliefs and leadership reflexes that lead the thinking and acting of leaders…

The art of small solutions – How people and companies master complexity

The art of the small solution is also and especially for changes towards a human economy an extremely helpful principle…

Gamechanger AI – How Artificial Intelligence is transforming our world

Klaus Henning

In his new book, he sums up what we are facing in the next few years as a result of digitalization with artificial intelligence: the biggest cultural revolution since Gutenberg,…

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Traces in chaos – Christian landmarks in a complex world

In this book, Klaus Henning shows approaches for coping with the increasing complexity of our lives. The integration of Christian values is of great importance…

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…of Renate and Klaus Henning you can find on the page „Christian Background“