Further details:

“Small solutions can be small in what I do, but finding them in the 1000 possibilities of small solutions is the real art!”
Klaus Henning Interview
The Art of the Small Solutions

The art of small solutions – How people and companies master complexity

The art of the small solution is also and especially for changes towards a human economy an extremely helpful principle. Klaus Henning begins his book with a story beyond the actual work: a mountain climb.
The book encourages people in companies to master the complexity and dynamics surrounding them. In short stories the reader discovers the art of the small solution that is most effective. The focus is solely on the way to the most effective solution. Klaus Henning knows why. He looks back on decades of experience. He has always wandered between politics, business and university: as an engineer, university lecturer and university strategist, as a management consultant, government advisor or as a simultaneous “Catholic and Protestant”.
15 little stories with a big aha effect: for example, how one managed to bring warm meals to patients in a hospital and saved 300,000 euros in IT costs.

Comments on the book

Awarded as a recommendation in the category “Leadership/Instruments” by Managementbuch.de: “‘The art of small solutions’ is a clever, imaginative and sometimes even amusing lesson about the ability to combat difficult problems with simple (and usually inexpensive) measures. Worth reading.”
“I read the book in one fell swoop without putting it down. I enjoyed the stories very much, without exception. I recognized some of the things I had learned in my life as a consultant, but I also got a lot of new ideas. Ideas on what I should pay more attention to in the future, ideas on how I can approach problems differently, the idea to try a small solution more often. Karsten Höppner, Chief Executive Officer at Q-Perior, Munich.


213 small solutions

The 13th chapter of the book describes the Future Dialogue of the Federal Chancellor in 2011/12. How do we want to live in Germany was the central question. Klaus Henning was one of the scientific coordinators of the dialogue specifically for the question: “What do we want to live on?


HERE a two minutes long video.


More books of Renate and Klaus Henning

“The art of small solutions – How people and companies master complexity”

Klaus Henning

The ego trap – 7 ways to ruin your business

Renate Henning

“Traces in chaos – Christian landmarks in a complex world”

Klaus Henning

More book titels…

…you can find on the pages:
„Our future with artificial intelligence“
„Christian Background“