Our future with artificial intelligence
Today the biggest disruptive innovation since Gutenberg is taking place. This is the real bang that many have yet to hear.
The machines, cars and objects of everyday life will acquire a consciousness of their own, which, together with the worldwide networking within minutes, represents a completely new dimension.
This digital transformation into “digital agents, digital shadows, digital twins” etc. is a global and local upheaval that will dramatically transform all areas of our lives. It is inevitable.
The digital universe with intelligent machines and networks is a huge opportunity to (re)invent our living, working and learning environments.
We have the chance to use artificial intelligence to make the digital transformation responsible before others do it irresponsibly. It concerns us all. We still have time for it!
Gamechanger AI – How Artificial Intelligence is transforming our world
Klaus Henning
In his new book, he sums up what we are facing in the next few years as a result of digitalization with artificial intelligence: the biggest cultural revolution since Gutenberg, he writes that it gets under your skin: we are living in the middle of a worldwide cultural revolution that will not happen at some point in time, but rather here and now at an extreme speed.
The theses contained in the book are vividly explained by practical examples: it becomes clear that all areas of our life and work are affected by the transformation through artificial intelligence.
For Klaus Henning, artificial intelligence is a good gift of God. He pursues the thesis that intelligent objects on the net and objects of this world acquire their own consciousness. Using many examples, he shows how these digital companions become our digital partners.
This non-fiction book gives many suggestions for one’s own living and working environment and is full of examples of the implementation of artificial intelligence systems. The reader learns what is already possible today and what can be expected in the next ten to twenty years.
The book is of interest to anyone interested in AI and the digital transformation – from those responsible in companies, public institutions and politics, as well as all teachers and parents who want to understand what the next generation can expect.
Lectures and videos
If you would like to take 45 minutes of your time for a presentation on AI, you can do so HERE .
“Many thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. em. Klaus Henning for his inspiring keynote at the second Transdisciplinary Conference “Technical Support Systems that People Really Want” on December 12th and 13th, 2016 at the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg.”
The WDR has spoken with our Klaus Henning, among others, for his programme “Arbeit: Wie geht es besser? You can see his prognosis about working in the future in connection with AI from minute 12:00 HERE

Podcast with Klaus Henning
WUNDERWERKE SKYPT with Prof. Dr. Klaus Henning
series 237
29 September 2020
Publications and articles
How Artificial Intelligence changes the world
DKE Innovation Campus 2018 on 12.04.2018 in Hanau: Klaus Henning gives a keynote speech at the DKE Innovation Campus on “Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Industry”.
HERE you’ll find more information about the event.
In an interview with the trade magazine LOGISTIK HEUTE, Klaus Henning spoke about the future of logistics – hybrid intelligence in logistics and how the industry is influenced by artificial intelligence. HERE
more articles on the subject
How Artificial Intelligence changes the World
Society 4.0 – Digital Age and Artificial Intelligence are driving the Change of Societies and Organizations
Gamechanger AI – How artificial intelligence is changing our world